People Do Research and Still Can’t Show Me Evidence?

The world is full of disagreeing people. It seems that no one can see eye to eye on almost any subject, we’re all divided. From religion to politics to social norms to sports, nothing is unanimously agreed upon. The only way we can somehow function is to agree to disagree, acknowledge our differences and respect … Read more

Sports To Ban Nigga/er?

I read on today that David Stern and Roger Goodell “might make the appropriate choice to define their workplaces as slur-free zones.” To my understanding, if this ban happens it would only take place while the players are playing the game, practicing, or doing other job related events. This ban would not prevent what … Read more

When it’s all said and done, would you have said more than you’ve done?

It’s Time to Go After Your Dreams Today I came across a quote that read: “When it’s all said and done, would you have said more than you’ve done?” I thought to myself, ‘yes!’ However, I had to stop and think about it. I realized that if my time ended right now, I’m not sure … Read more