‎Economic Dignity and employment and housing opportunities for the formerly incarcerated at the LiveFree Community Forum at South Sacramento Christian Center

On May 19, 2015, I had the honor to speak at the Live Free Public Forum which was put on by Sacramento ACT at the South Sacramento Christian Center. This community forum was created to get state and local officials to commit to helping our communities and to reduce mass incarceration and gang violence. The … Read more

My Work Ethic Made Someone Quit While I Was At Herlong Prison Camp

You can tell a person’s characteristics by the way they work. It doesn’t matter if they are in prison or outside of prison, their work ethic shouts volumes about them. If someone doesn’t do their job right, you can tell that they are lazy. If someone puts all of their interest and time into learning … Read more

What I Changes I Would Like To Make At Herlong Prison Camp and The Oakland Halfway House

I’ve been thinking about what would make prison camp more productive for the inmates. I thought carefully about all of my experiences when I was in prison at Herlong Prison Camp and when I stay at the Oakland Halfway House.  If these suggestions are possible, it would better prepare inmates for society and make their … Read more

Volunteering at Health Care Enrollment in with the Sacramento Urban League Young Professionals

Serving your community is great way to give back and impact your local area. I’m always looking to help out when I can and volunteering is such a rewarding experience. This past March, I was able to volunteer to help families with insurance policies. The event was hosted by Greater Sacramento Urban League and various … Read more

UNICOR Was Down At Herlong Camp

Inmates are required to get jobs while in prison. They are paid various and competitive wages just as if they are in the real world. The only difference is that the wages are significantly lower, so when a good job goes out of business, it’s a lot more detrimental to inmates. One business in particular … Read more

The Pay Scale at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong

One of the most important details when looking for a job is the amount of money being offered for the position. As inmates, one of the privileges lost is job hunting by salary. In fact at Herlong Prison Camp, the amount of money given to a working inmate is just about the same given to … Read more

My Dentist Experience At Herlong Prison Camp

Part of the prison care system allows inmates to receive healthcare. In order to be able to see a doctor, dentist, or any healthcare provider, a form called a cop-out was needed. Once it was filled out and approved, inmates could visit the appropriate office. I needed to have my teeth cleaned so I filled … Read more

What Are The Showers Like At Herlong Prison Camp?

prison shower

One of the most famous saying for anyone going to prison is, ‘Don’t drop the soap’. Most people think that the showers in jail are large community showers where CO’s and other inmates intimately watch over you. However, I found that to be untrue at Herlong Federal Prison Camp. I admit, I was surprised when … Read more

Beware Of Snitches At Herlong Prison Camp

“Snitches get stitches” is a powerful statement that implies that tattle tales or snitches deserve the consequence of being beat up various people. The outside community never favors a snitch and neither does the prison community. I spent a little time in Herlong Prison Camp and encountered snitches. Here’s a little story about why you … Read more