Cleaning my room helped improve my writing

messy room doesnt always help me think

As a writer, I am always looking for two things; a way to improve my writing and a way to produce more blog posts. During my search I’ve learned that many of my writing issues are right in front of me – meaning my work space (my room is dirty as hell!). It’s a horrible … Read more

Being Negative at Work Will Drain My Energy

Unhealthy work places

As I get older, I realize the importance of working at jobs I like and enjoy. I’ve learned that being negative at work will drain my energy. I’ve also noticed that working jobs where I feel overworked and underpaid, or where I just didn’t like the people prevented me from having mental clarity. At times … Read more

The Natural Ergonomic 4000 by Microsoft Review

For a while, I was having wrist and shoulder problems while typing. It felt as if I was squeezing my shoulders and my chest just to type on a traditional keyboard. The problems were so bad, I had to stop blogging on a regular basis.  However, blogging and writing are my passions. Plus, my dream … Read more

The Minimum Wage In Sacramento Needs To Be $15 an hour

As many people know, I’ve been working minimum wage jobs for most of my life. I’ve also been working with Sacramento ACT, along with other organizations, in the fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. In order to fairly pay workers for their time and effort, the minimum wage should be increased … Read more

Two Monitor Productivity Myth

It seems I’m always looking for a way to increase my productivity. I’ve tried going to libraries, getting a new keyboard, and using to television trays for my computer.  These ideas have worked out great, but I still didn’t get the productivity I wanted. There is a saying that states having two monitors improves productivity … Read more