I think I started Doordash in 2018. So what about six years now. I like the job. Yes, I really wanna quit. But I like the job. Are the hours long? Sure but let’s be real, with my abilities, education, and experience, any job I get will make me work 50-60 hours a week. I might as well work those hours on my own time and not have to worry about bosses and office politics.
Cons of working Doordash
You really have to work long hours. I’m doing 50+ hours just to make $1200 a week. Okay that’s great for some of you. But if you take away the gas and car expenses, it’s about $800 a week. Again great for some of you, but I’d prefer a job that pays for my expenses or I want FULL rights as a self employed person.
You can’t sell you doordash position. I know no one has ever mention this. But, if we are self-employed, why can’t we sell our position or spot as a dasher? I think this needs to really be examined.
You pay for everything. And we shouldn’t pay for everything. I’ll stand by that forever. However, right now, it’s the best trade off. I’ll pay for everything just so I don’t have to deal with office politics.
Pros of doing Doordash
I scheduled myself to work today. I woke up and didn’t feel like working. That is the beauty. I literally work when I want to. I don’t lose my status as Premium Dasher. I don’t loose my ratings. I’m no were close to getting fired. You can’t beat that.
It’s pretty drama-free. Okay so it’s not perfectly drama free, but the issues are like finding apartment numbers or getting the wrong address. Sure this issues are annoying, but these are solved in minutes. I really don’t get mad at these issues. Customers are usually friendly or just not talk. Perfect.
The money is decent. You have to keep your bills low to appreciate this however. You’re not going to make $100,000 with Doordash. If you do, you’re not enjoying the money. But as it stands, I have enough for trips and starting a business. So no complains.