My Work Ethic Made Someone Quit While I Was At Herlong Prison Camp

You can tell a person’s characteristics by the way they work. It doesn’t matter if they are in prison or outside of prison, their work ethic shouts volumes about them. If someone doesn’t do their job right, you can tell that they are lazy. If someone puts all of their interest and time into learning … Read more

Fasting in Prison Camp

They say fasting has benefits for the mind, spirit, and body. Many people have to fast for medical procedures and some do it for religious reasons. I did it fit none of those reasons, but I still experienced the benefits of a cleansing fast. My fast was purely accidental. Since I missed the 3:30 pm … Read more

Self Discipline in 10 days

While in prison camp, I struggled with procrastination and low motivation until an inmate handed me a book called  Self Discipline in 10 days books by Theodore Bryant. This book is one of the best things I took away from my prison camp experience. This book helped me not to be so emotional or allow … Read more

Ceiling. From my Herlong Prison Camp Journal

Prison isn’t a place of positive enlightenment. It’s full of strict rules and regulations, required forms and paperwork, and negative attitudes from staff and inmates. However, I wanted a positive experience. I was determined to make my stay there a beneficial one, even though I knew it wouldn’t be easy. As I entered the prison … Read more

UNICOR Was Down At Herlong Camp

Inmates are required to get jobs while in prison. They are paid various and competitive wages just as if they are in the real world. The only difference is that the wages are significantly lower, so when a good job goes out of business, it’s a lot more detrimental to inmates. One business in particular … Read more

Heterosexual Males Having Sex In Federal Prison Camp

Rumor Has It Sexual desire is normally very strong in males to begin with and everyone knows the urge for sex doesn’t relinquish its grip when you’re in prison. In fact, the desire increases with every hour that it’s unfulfilled. The media has brainwashed society to thinking that every prison is filled with stories of … Read more

A&O Meeting at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong

Every job you attend and are hired for should give you some type of orientation. As soon as you start working, you should be trained and oriented for the job. Even if you are joining a new organization, then you should be given a class or meeting where someone gives you an overview about what … Read more

My Doctor Visits at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong, Journal 07

Have you ever heard that prisons are supposedly the best place for anyone that needs medical care? I don’t know who told me that inmates get the best health care, but I can honestly tell you, that’s not entirely correct. I hated doctor visits because the medical sucked at Herlong Prison Camp. My first appointment … Read more

The False Hopes About SSI Payments To Inmates

I understand and respect it when people say prison camp was comfortable and not a real prison. The longer I stayed there, the more I understood the statement. However, some things made it more difficult to stay there. One of those things were false hopes and in this case, it was the false hope of … Read more

Dress Code/Personal Property/Work Details at Herlong Prison Camp

Inmate Dress Code Policy Dress codes are important for many places. They help keep a cohesive appearance and allow for overseeing persons to quickly identify who belongs and who doesn’t. Dress codes are also guidelines to clean, tidy and appropriate display of clothing. Not everyone wants to see a extra skin or underwear. However, within … Read more

Photo Procedures at Herlong Prison Camp

Structure is needed to facilitate order and prisons are full of structure. In this memo from the supervisor of recreation, a detailed system for taking and receiving prison photos is given. The document states that prisoners must wear certain clothing, refrain from obscene gestures, and use a voucher to “buy” their photos. Photo vouchers can … Read more

The Expectations of Herlong Prison and Herlong Prison Camp

My thought process when entering prison camp was to make sure that this experience was a positive one. Although I was locked up in a place filled with rumors of gangs, sexual assaults, and a major loss of freedom, I did my best to stay on a positive path. As you read this memo, you … Read more

Institution Progress Update at Herlong Prison Camp

In order to keep the prison “safe” for all inmates and staff, when things seem to be out of control, the administration will lock down the prison camp. This means that all inmates are confined to their cells until further notice. Although the lockdown was resolved and inmates were released from their cells, the administration … Read more

Health Services Department Operations at Herlong Prison Camp

Medical offices have a tight ship to run and that’s even truer when their office is located within a prison. There are certain rules that each inmate has to follow in order to see a doctor or dentist. A form called an Inmate Request to Staff Member also known as a cop-out form must be … Read more

Softball Backstops at Herlong Prison Camp and Stand Up Count Concerns

Herlong Prison has two institutions. The first is an actual prison (Federal Correctional Institution – FCI) and the other is a prison camp which has less security and non-violent offenders. When the administration sends out a memo, it goes to both the prison and the prison camp. This memo talked about the changes on the … Read more

TRULINCS: How It works for Herlong Prison Camp

According the the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), TRULINCS (also known as Corrlinks) is described as follows: “The Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System (TRULINCS) is a new program currently being deployed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to provide inmates with some limited computer access, to include the capability to send and receive electronic … Read more