First Day At The Power House Prison Job–Federal Prison Camp Journal

Realizing My Potential and Passion Finding your passion is sometimes hard to do. Most people don’t wake up knowing exactly they want and how they can fulfill their lives. Often people have to go through life’s ups and downs before they realize what they want to do. Others have to experience something they completely dislike … Read more

How to Critique Creative Writing

Imagine writing a piece that you think is just pure gold. Maybe it took you a long time to write it or maybe it was a piece that just flowed from your mind to your hand to the paper/computer. It’s the best you’ve ever written and you’re super proud. Off to the editing department, whether … Read more

A&O Meeting at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong

Every job you attend and are hired for should give you some type of orientation. As soon as you start working, you should be trained and oriented for the job. Even if you are joining a new organization, then you should be given a class or meeting where someone gives you an overview about what … Read more

How To Free Write And Why It’s Important For Writers

Free writing is the simplest form of writing.  It’s also the most private form if you do it in journal format. What I like to tell people is that free writing is something no one would ever see. To me, free writing is like a man’s wife in the morning, the only person who’s going … Read more

Sometimes It’s The Man’s Fault When Relationships End

Real Reasons Men Leave Women In a few women magazines and self help books, I’ve read that women should dress a certain way, talk a certain way, or cook and clean to keep their men happy. I think there’s some truth to that, however, like the Black and Married with Kids website mentioned, “This line … Read more

Men Need More Than Just Sex

I was reading an article on a site called Black and Married with Kids which discussed the failures of romance and gave advice for men.  There were four points, but the one I especially agree with was, “Even though we don’t readily admit it, men have emotional needs that no amount of sex can fill.” … Read more

My Doctor Visits at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong, Journal 07

Have you ever heard that prisons are supposedly the best place for anyone that needs medical care? I don’t know who told me that inmates get the best health care, but I can honestly tell you, that’s not entirely correct. I hated doctor visits because the medical sucked at Herlong Prison Camp. My first appointment … Read more

What Would My Future Self Tell Me?

We always say to ourselves, that if we’d known what we knew now back in our youth, things would have been different. What if there was a way to do just that? What if your future self could somehow contact you and let you know about some dangers ahead in life or about your victories … Read more

How Important Is Count Time?

Sometimes, I think some of the correctional officers (COs) are lightweight sadists because they use their power to please or thrill themselves. It’s a perfect example of someone abusing their authoritative power. Society thinks prisons are the best place to reform an individual, but when people mismanage their authority, it just makes an inmate more … Read more