The Natural Ergonomic 4000 by Microsoft Review


For a while, I was having wrist and shoulder problems while typing. It felt as if I was squeezing my shoulders and my chest just to type on a traditional keyboard. The problems were so bad, I had to stop blogging on a regular basis.  However, blogging and writing are my passions. Plus, my dream is to make this my regular income. I can’t allow a little pain stop my dreams, right?

I went to Best Buy and decided to try out a few keyboards. I didn’t want to order it online because I wanted to really feel how they felt when I typed. I also didn’t want to worry about shipping.  I tried about three of them and The Natural Ergonomic 4000 felt the most natural to my body frame. I didn’t have sharp pains going through my wrist and I was able to type for hours in comfort. This is truly a godsend because I don’t feel the pain I usually feel when typing. This has increased my quantity of writing.

The only issue I have is getting the buttons to work properly. The silver buttons at the top of the keyboard haven’t worked for me and I have yet to find the solution online. Also, I’ve had this keyboard for two months, I just figured out how to get the F-Lock button to come on. Apparently, you have to push the button down very hard for it to work. I can’t turn the button off, but I really don’t need it off as of now.

That being said, those buttons are not the reason I bought the keyboard. I bought it for the comfortable ergonomic feel, which is totally worth my money. The keyboard also came raised about two inches from the table, which made it comfortable for me immediately because of the odd shape of my desk.  If you don’t like it raised, you can remove it.


What keyboards do you have that work well for you?