Writing Is About Doing It. Not Thinking About Doing It.

“You have to show up. There is no magic pill. You have to show up and do the work.”
Per Petterson.

If you’re a writer, I’m sure you’ve probably experienced setbacks and frustrations when you finally find the time to write. You have so many ideas to get out and to write down. You get to your designated quiet place and then…nothing. All of sudden you’re overwhelmed about how to put it all together or where to start. All of your ideas don’t seem to make sense anymore. Where do you go from there?

I was reading an article about Kate Southwood and she had some advice on writing. She was told by Per Petterson, author of Out Stealing Horse to basically ‘do it’ in regards to her writing habits and accomplishing projects. To be honest, that’s the nuts and bolts of it all. “DO IT.”

I know young writers and unpublished writers, such as myself, are dying to find that “magic pill” or that secret to getting it all done with some easy formula.  Well, I’m here to tell you, the secret is to put pen to paper and allow your thoughts to guide your hand as it scribbles down words and phrases.

There are some writers who have rituals and routines to help them get into a writing mode. I have tried several and none of them stick. What helps me write is eliminating all distractions and just doing it.  Sometimes I listen to meditation CDs. Other times I listen to R&B or classical, but even that’s hit and miss. What really makes me write and write often is when I tell myself, ‘it has to get done’. Then I have a sense of urgency to make it happen and get rid of all things that prevent me from getting it done.

My tip for writing is to remind yourself that the only way anyone is going to see this idea is if you finish the product. You have to stop allowing yourself to have excuses to interfere. If you want to reap the rewards of the finished product, just DO IT. Then once you get going, don’t stop. Don’t get tired and don’t rest. Just keep writing until you can’t write anymore. Don’t worry about mistakes, you’ll edit them later. Just focus on getting it down on paper (or computer).

Remember the only thing that separates a dreamer from a doer is a finished product.