Visitor Information Form and Additional Visiting Information

Inmate Rules For Visitations

SEPTEMBER 20, 2011

In a previous post I talked about the rewards of having family visit. I also discussed how important it was for visiting family to read over the rules and regulations before visiting so as not to waste time. If your loved ones don’t familiarize themselves with the rules it could lead to them being sent home, waiting a long time before seeing you or being denied entrance into the facility. I felt this was so important I decided to write another post with the rules and regulations for inmates.

When I was locked away, it was an absolute joy seeing my family, especially my mother. I definitely want to help others see their loved ones so they can experience the same pleasure I had. Below you will find the Bureau of Prisons visitation information taken directly from their website.

(HER 5290.14 E)

It is the policy of the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to encourage visiting by family and friends to maintain your morale and to develop closer relationships between you and your family and others in the community. Some of your basic questions concerning visiting will be answered in this information sheet. However, we recommend that you consult with your Correctional Counselor or other Unit Team members and become fully aware of the visiting regulations.

Upon your arrival, you will receive a form on which to list the persons you wish to visit you. This list must be completed and submitted to your unit team. The proposed visitors are screened and your Correctional Counselor will notify you once a visitor has been approved or denied visitation. Contact your Correctional Counselor if you wish to add or delete an individual from your list.



Saturday & Sunday 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Federal Holidays 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM

The number of persons allowed while visiting one inmate is limited to five adults, excluding children less than 16 years of age, will be allowed in the visiting room at one time. You are allowed to embrace and kiss only upon initial contact, and at the conclusion of your visit. You are responsible for the behavior of your visitor(s}, to include minor children. You are to visit with only your approved visitor(s). Written authorization, from the Warden, must be obtained for a visitor to visit with more than one inmate at a time. Disrespect, improper comments, and vulgarity will result in visiting termination. Failure to follow the visiting rules and regulations may result in the suspension of your visiting privileges as well as those of your visitor(s).

All inmates are responsible for their visitor’s/children’s action. The inmate will receive an incident report for any infraction committed in the Visiting Room.



Federal Correctional Institution Herlong
741-925 Herlong Access Road A-25
Herlong, CA 96113
(530) 827-8000

FCI/FPC Herlong is located approximately 50 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada, and 35 miles south of Susanville, California.

From Reno, Nevada:
Take US Highway 395 north approximately 50 miles to the Herlong exit Access Road A-26. Proceed approximately seven miles on A-26 to FCI/FPC Herlong.

From Susanville, California:
Take US Highway 395 south approximately 35 miles to Herlong Access Road A-25. Proceed approximately seven miles on A-25 to FCI/FPC Herlong.

There is currently no public transportation available from Reno, Nevada or Susanville, California, to Herlong, California.