Federal Register Vol 71, No 92: Smoking/No Smoking Areas

This document is from the TRULINCS. Inmates can find this and more under “Bulletin” Every month, a new Federal Register will be placed in that section. This volume gives information about where to smoke for both administration and correctional officers. Inmates are NOT allowed to smoke. Smoking would result in major disciplinary action. For more … Read more

How to Email Inmates in Federal Prison

When you have a loved one in prison, one of the most important things to remember is communication. Despite their actions and the fact that they are locked away, they still need to communicate with their family. It’s an entirely new and oppressing situation that they are facing and your support is needed. Communication with … Read more

TRULINCS: How It works for Herlong Prison Camp

According the the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), TRULINCS (also known as Corrlinks) is described as follows: “The Trust Fund Limited Inmate Computer System (TRULINCS) is a new program currently being deployed by the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to provide inmates with some limited computer access, to include the capability to send and receive electronic … Read more