UNICOR Was Down At Herlong Camp

Inmates are required to get jobs while in prison. They are paid various and competitive wages just as if they are in the real world. The only difference is that the wages are significantly lower, so when a good job goes out of business, it’s a lot more detrimental to inmates. One business in particular … Read more

The Pay Scale at Federal Prison Camp–Herlong

One of the most important details when looking for a job is the amount of money being offered for the position. As inmates, one of the privileges lost is job hunting by salary. In fact at Herlong Prison Camp, the amount of money given to a working inmate is just about the same given to … Read more

First Day At The Power House Prison Job–Federal Prison Camp Journal

Realizing My Potential and Passion Finding your passion is sometimes hard to do. Most people don’t wake up knowing exactly they want and how they can fulfill their lives. Often people have to go through life’s ups and downs before they realize what they want to do. Others have to experience something they completely dislike … Read more