Why is Men’s Mental Health Ignored By The Formerly Incarcerated?

There are many reasons why men’s mental health is ignored in regards to recidivism. According to many members of society, men’s mental health in association with crime has little bearing on their decisions. It is often considered an act of desperation for an individual to plead insanity in their case. If one is considered to … Read more

How Mental Health Disorders Affect Success and Productiveness Within Men

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp Mental health disorders often result from extended time in incarceration. After release, men are sent back into society with not only criminal convictions, but gaps in employment, negative stigmas, alternate mentalities, and an extreme amount of work necessary to shed the skin society now sees. … Read more

What Are The Warning Signs of Mental Illness?

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp Did you know that mental health issues are extremely common in the criminal population? Over 10% of inmates have been reported to have some form of mental illness. Studies have shown that even after receiving psychiatric help, some former criminals still present psychiatric symptoms after … Read more

Why Mental Health & Ongoing Support For Men Is So Important

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp It is reported that over half of male inmates have at least one mental disorder. This means that mental health issues are present before incarceration takes place. Without treatment or with inadequate treatment, it is highly likely that men with mental health issues will re-offend … Read more