What I’m Learning About Omega-3s and Rhodiola Extract

Update 7/31/2024: I’m still using this combination for my daily routine.  However, I did take a break from it for about five years.  When I was consistent, I saw great productivity.  I will learn over the next ten years, that my actual trouble with these hunger pains were the result of having a sensitive or … Read more

My Dentist Experience At Herlong Prison Camp

Part of the prison care system allows inmates to receive healthcare. In order to be able to see a doctor, dentist, or any healthcare provider, a form called a cop-out was needed. Once it was filled out and approved, inmates could visit the appropriate office. I needed to have my teeth cleaned so I filled … Read more

How I Minimized Procrastination

You know you should be doing more important things, but here you are, playing a game, watching YouTube or TV or talking in the phone. It’s a huge issue for many people including myself. It’s like me taking forever just to type the word, procrastination. One of my biggest problems is overcoming procrastination.  I like … Read more

4 Advantages Of Working For A Temp Agency

4 Advantages of Working for A Temp Agency As of recently, I left my full time job at Bon Appetit (assigned at William Jessup University) to work for a temp agency called Acrobat Outsourcing. The reason I quit was because I was driving thirty minutes to and from work. I drive an SUV now, so … Read more

Homesickness in Prison Camp

Anytime you go away on a long trip, you may feel homesick. This is true for prison inmates as well. My first few weeks and especially during the holidays, I felt extremely homesick. I wasn’t sure what to do, but later on I did figure out some methods to ease it. First you have to … Read more

Health Services Department Operations at Herlong Prison Camp

Medical offices have a tight ship to run and that’s even truer when their office is located within a prison. There are certain rules that each inmate has to follow in order to see a doctor or dentist. A form called an Inmate Request to Staff Member also known as a cop-out form must be … Read more