“Cop-out” AKA Inmate Request to Staff

Filing A Request In Prison Filing an Inmate Request to Staff form while in prison can seem like a daunting task. The form itself isn’t scary, but the thoughts of retaliation, punishment and denial can cause fear, depending on what is being requested. However, there are times it must be done regardless of the request. … Read more

National Food Service Menu Inmate Preference Survey

Every year, inmates are given a survey about the food the prison serves. It asks each inmate which food they wanted to keep and which foods they wanted to get rid of. There are a ton of conspiracy theories about the quality of the food at prison. There are also questions about who really chooses … Read more

Inmate Rights and Responsibilities And Disciplinary Scale

What Are Your Rights and Responsibilities As An Inmate? Most know that there a lot of liberties and privileges taken away while in jail, but which ones? When you’re arrested, the law enforcing personnel is required to “read you your rights”. This tells you what you can do and how to protect yourself from further … Read more

Federal Prison Camp Herlong Entry 03

The funny thing about being here in prison is that the correctional officers (COs) think they are better than everyone else. I don’t know if it’s their job status or just because they’re COs. I wonder if it’s a superiority complex or an inferiority complex. Either way, it’s like they’re showing off their riches in … Read more