When most inmates leave prison, their number need is finances. If friends and family have been putting money into an inmates account, when the inmate is released from prison, the amount within their account is released to them. However, some will have more money in their account than the prison can give in cash. This mean the prison will have to send the inmate a check. An inmate can also request a check instead of cash. In order to do this a BP-199 form is needed. This form is to request the withdrawal of personal funds and according to the memorandum below, it must be sent into the appropriate office 4 weeks prior to an inmates release.
If an inmate is going to be release to BICE or Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, then they will be given as much as possible. If an inmate, must receive a check for their remaining funds, then an address must be provided. Below is a memorandum (and picture of memorandum) sent to inmates from the business administrator about the release of funds.
Federal Correctional Institution
Heriong, California 96113
January 27, 2011
A. Layne, Business Administrator
Release Funds
The Business office no longer cashes any release funds checks. If a BP-199 is done for release funds four to five weeks prior to release, you will receive a check upon release. If you are releasing into the custody of BICE, you will receive as much of your account in cash as the cashier has funds for. Every effort will be made to pay the account out in full. If that is not possible, a check will be processed for the remaining balance and mailed to the address provided upon release.
The BICE Field Office for Enforcement and Removal was contacted and it was confirmed that inmates have the ability to cash a U.S. Treasury check prior to release from immigration. For all releases that are not BICE, you may be issued up to $500 in cash upon release (if you have the funds). If there are remaining funds, a check will be processed and mailed to the release address. All inmates that are releasing need to provide an address where they want any funds sent that cannot be given in cash.
If you choose to submit a BP-199 request for a check to be issued upon release, the request must be received by the cashier at least 4 weeks before the release date. The BP-199 must be made out c/o cashier and the “release funds” box must be checked. Again, if a BP-199 is done for release funds you will receive a check upon release. The check will not be cashed by the Institution.