Janet Jackson Thinks Kamala Harris’ Dad Is White?

Honestly, not really big into celebrity gossip. But this one drove me a little crazy. Recently, Jenna Jackson said that she thought Kamala Harris’s father was a white man. She claimed that someone told her that her dad was white. “Jackson continues, ‘Her father’s white. That’s what I was told. I mean, I haven’t watched … Read more

Building Strength to Relieve Chronic Pain

chronic pain

Everyone has dealt with pain before, but some people don’t understand how awful it really is to have to live with it on a day to day basis. There are plenty of stories that show just how easy it is to become addicted to painkillers and how it ruins families. Chronic pain is any pain … Read more

You’re Not Clean Eating If You Don’t Do This

clean eating

Clean eating generally refers to eating foods in their most natural state, however, today I want to make a new case. It has always been my opinion that most cancers come from the buildup of toxins within our bodies left over from the foods we eat, the products we use, and the air we breathe. … Read more

Family Photos Can Uplift Your Imprisoned Loved One

Family photos and pictures, in general, can be used to uplift and encourage someone as well as and relive or review moments made in history. They are extremely beneficial to inmates for their well being and positive development. It gives them something to look forward to joining once they get out. It invokes the desire … Read more

A Pinched Nerve is a Real Pain

A pinched nerve is a real pain! Yea, that might sound cheesy, but it’s truly nothing to joke about. They decrease mobility and range of motion, not to mention they can be difficult to remedy. According to Healthline, pinched nerves are damaged by discs, bones, or muscles. Other than the pain, you know you have … Read more

Naturally Treating Depression Isn’t Very Difficult

Naturally treating depression is an important treatment option for me. I’ve read about depression patients taking drugs to help ease the negative thoughts, but instead of easing the thoughts it just leaves them in a fog. As a writer, living in a mental fog is detrimental to my career. Although I exercise and eat healthy, … Read more

Thanksgiving Is So Much Better Now

Many researchers say that one of the best ways to overcome depression and relieve stress is to be thankful. Although I’m not stressed or depressed today, I am thankful and grateful for a lot. Acknowledging all that I have will allow me to ward off negativity for a while. Today, there’s no better day than … Read more

True Wellness Includes Detoxing Methods

If wellness is about a lifestyle of overall good health than it has to become more than just exercising and healthy eating. I have discovered that detoxification is also needed, but can be difficult or embarrassing.  I admit this is where most men stop when it comes to wellness. We might add in some herbal … Read more

Who To Talk To When You’re Having a Depression Attack

When we are dealing with an intense issue such as depression, we don’t tend to want to vent and get out all that is causing us to feel negative. However, most know that talking during a “depression attack” is helpful and lowers the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions. However, after talking to my friends … Read more

Just One Vitamin Deficiency Can Affect Prison Health

We all know that prisoner don’t eat the best meals or have the best nutrition. This can result in a vitamin deficiency. They are often given small portions and are sometimes forced to steal food. The food is sometimes marked “unfit for human consumption” and inmates get sick from it. I actually wrote about it … Read more

Food Contamination & Depression

Would you ever think, food contamination and depression could be linked? I definitely didn’t think they were until I read a post about a cook in a prison kitchen who encountered packaged chicken that was labeled “unfit for human consumption”. I’ve also written about it in my book, Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp. It’s … Read more

Flu Remedies That are Proven to Work

Flu Remedies

It’s Flu season and I have Flu remedies! Although most people are fearful during this time of year, I am not. Most people get the Flu shot and others don’t. Today’s post isn’t about whether or not you should get it or even where to go if you do get one. I figure there are … Read more

Accepting Depression Can Be Hard

Accepting depression can be hard

Accepting depression can be hard. Depression affects many people in world, but most try to hide their symptoms from family and friends. It makes people feel embarrassed knowing their feelings can bring others down. Their solution is to stay at home, curled up in a ball drowning in their depressive thoughts. According to Inscribmag.com, depression … Read more

Live Your Best Life Locally!

best life quote

If you can’t live your best life, then live your best life locally until you can. Just because you can’t jet set to another state or country and turn up doesn’t mean that you can’t live your best life locally. I believe there are levels of living your best life and your local best life … Read more

Depression Triggers You Can Control

Depression triggers

Depression is a mental health disorder that can suck the life out of you and the people around you. The negative social effects can cause the sufferer to dive deeper into the cognitive disorder as they think about how unpleasant their moods can be. Although treatment is available, not everyone has access to the expensive … Read more

Why is Men’s Mental Health Ignored By The Formerly Incarcerated?

There are many reasons why men’s mental health is ignored in regards to recidivism. According to many members of society, men’s mental health in association with crime has little bearing on their decisions. It is often considered an act of desperation for an individual to plead insanity in their case. If one is considered to … Read more

How Mental Health Disorders Affect Success and Productiveness Within Men

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp Mental health disorders often result from extended time in incarceration. After release, men are sent back into society with not only criminal convictions, but gaps in employment, negative stigmas, alternate mentalities, and an extreme amount of work necessary to shed the skin society now sees. … Read more

How Does Mental Health Affect Masculinity?

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp The identity of men can be seriously influenced by incarceration in correctional facilities. This can often have an effect on their mental health. Prisoners are forced to submit themselves to authority. They often have no control over what they do and must contain their natural … Read more

What Are The Warning Signs of Mental Illness?

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp Did you know that mental health issues are extremely common in the criminal population? Over 10% of inmates have been reported to have some form of mental illness. Studies have shown that even after receiving psychiatric help, some former criminals still present psychiatric symptoms after … Read more

Why Mental Health & Ongoing Support For Men Is So Important

By Pyerse Dandridge Author: Subprime Felon: Inside Federal Prison Camp It is reported that over half of male inmates have at least one mental disorder. This means that mental health issues are present before incarceration takes place. Without treatment or with inadequate treatment, it is highly likely that men with mental health issues will re-offend … Read more

Why Black Men Don’t Use Mental Health Care

In a recent article from the Business Insider, they discussed how our mental health care system fails Black men and the fact that Black men under-utilize the services provided. “Instead of receiving professional help for their depressive episodes, black men are often told to “pray it away” by older family members who find solace in … Read more

I Don’t Like Gay Jokes

  He laughed and said, “Don’t be down there too long. I might like it.” I gave him a dirty look. “Hey man, I don’t play like that.” He apologized and that was pretty much the end of the day. Many people have different types of humor, however I believe some things are unacceptable. Although I … Read more

Being Negative at Work Will Drain My Energy

Unhealthy work places

As I get older, I realize the importance of working at jobs I like and enjoy. I’ve learned that being negative at work will drain my energy. I’ve also noticed that working jobs where I feel overworked and underpaid, or where I just didn’t like the people prevented me from having mental clarity. At times … Read more

You Don’t Act Black

It’s bad enough that African Americans are stereotyped negatively by the media and other ethnicities. We shouldn’t have to deal with negative stereotypes within our community too, however, sadly we do. For some reason, our mannerisms are supposed to define and solidify our racial status. I’m not sure who thought of this, but it’s wrong. … Read more

After 22 Years, River City Brewing Company Pushed Out For Sacramento Kings Arena

If you’ve never lived in a small town then you probably won’t understand the outrage I’m currently feeling. Small towns are known for their close knit, neighborly communities. They take care of each other and have a genuine kindness about them. Their unique in ways that large cities aren’t because they allow its citizens to … Read more

Top Five Lies Women Tell Me That Drive Me Crazy

After reading a blog from Standard media about women lying to men, I started thinking about the lies women have told me. When a woman lies to me, I feel as though it’s my fault. Maybe I’m unapproachable or I made fun of her for something. Whatever it is, I must have made her feel … Read more

Every Setback Sentence Acceptance Speech

As I was browsing the internet, I came across a blog post by Tara Pringle Jefferson. Her site is called “The Young Mommy Life“. In her post she mentioned her younger sister who is in her twenties and just finished college. She has high aspirations to make a positive impact on the community and make … Read more

The Importance of Following Your Inner Voice

You can hear it and you can also feel it, but how often do you ignore it? It’s the sometimes peacefully quiet, sometimes boldly obnoxious voice on the inside of you. It’s the voice that you second guess or brush off, but it’s the voice that when you follow it, affords you opportunities beyond your … Read more

Is It Possible To Reach The Ceiling?

If you’re in the corporate world or even just the professional world, you understand ceilings. There are ceilings in talent, position, promotion and much more. Most ceilings are glass and you never see it until you hit it, but what if you create your own ceiling? Did you find that it wasn’t glass and you … Read more

Why Men Don’t Discuss Sex Openly

Today I was reading a post from VerySmartBrothas which discussed why men don’t discuss their sex lives openly. Like the author, I was thinking, “All I ever hear are men talking about their sex lives.” In fact, I think men do it too much. It gets really old hearing men talk about their latest  female … Read more

How To Get Someone To Enjoy Your Passions, Even If They Hate Your Passions

With a plethora of interests and hobbies available to us, it can be hard for two people to be on the same page when it comes to making dates, having fun and exploring new activities. There are times when it’s difficult to share the remote. Watching TV and/or movies can be a tricky task when … Read more

Am I Uncomfortable With The Conversation or Intimidated by The Woman

As men and women play this game called love, each side has to go back to the drawing board and figure out what went wrong with their last date. They second guess themselves and then they somehow come up with the conclusion that it wasn’t them, it was all the other person’s fault. For example, … Read more

What Is Love To Me as a Black Man

Many people dream of being in love with someone. They dream of what their life will be like when they’re dating, engaged and then finally married. Society has watched movies of women who were down and out all of a sudden find her prince charming. The world has seen men who were discarded in their … Read more

Being Positive During Difficult Times

I swear one of the most difficult things to do is get over hard times. Everyone has them and although they create character, it’s rough to get through. It’s like trying to see the forest apart from the trees. It’s difficult because it seems like you have to focus more on the trees than the … Read more

Never Say Racist Jokes If You’re The Only Black Man In The Room

I guess I should be used to being the in the minority. I should probably already know what to say and what not to say. I’ve been in this situation since I was a child. I still remember being in those classrooms surrounded by 25 white kids with only 2 or 3 kids from other … Read more

What Does Christmas Mean To Me?

People have varying reasons for celebrating Christmas, but for me, if it wasn’t for the purpose of family coming together, I honestly wouldn’t celebrate it. This day is nothing special to me, except that I get to see family that I haven’t seen in a while. There are some family members that I can’t catch … Read more

Preferring N-word Over African American?

According to a TMZ poll fifty-five percent of Black Americans prefer to be referred to as N***a and the remaining forty-five percent prefer African American. Why? Well, according to the rap artist, Suga Knight, “We aren’t from Africa.” I’m assuming he is referring to the fact that Blacks called other Blacks the n-word. I’m unsure … Read more

My Bio

Pyerse Dandridge was born Pierce Dandridge, Jr. to Sonya Robinson and Pierce Dandridge Sr. on October 29, 1978 in Sacramento, California. He is the eldest of two boys who enjoyed a normal childhood in North Carolina and at the Vandenberg Air Force Base, near Santa Barbara, where their father (who has two daughters from other … Read more

Do People Have Bad Relationships To Avoid Being Lonely?

Most people want to be in a happy and loving relationship with all the bells and whistles of their heart’s desire. Those that can’t find a partner to be in love with often unwillingly settle for lonely days and nights. However, there is a new trend of men and women who would rather get hooked … Read more

People Do Research and Still Can’t Show Me Evidence?

The world is full of disagreeing people. It seems that no one can see eye to eye on almost any subject, we’re all divided. From religion to politics to social norms to sports, nothing is unanimously agreed upon. The only way we can somehow function is to agree to disagree, acknowledge our differences and respect … Read more

Sports To Ban Nigga/er?

I read on ESPN.com today that David Stern and Roger Goodell “might make the appropriate choice to define their workplaces as slur-free zones.” To my understanding, if this ban happens it would only take place while the players are playing the game, practicing, or doing other job related events. This ban would not prevent what … Read more

N-Word and Why I Don’t Use It.

This word is probably one of the most controversial words in the history of the world. It’s racist when one culture uses it and it’s becomes cultural when another race speaks it. It’s acceptable in one family, but unacceptable in another. Some people are seen as being ignorant and rude when they use and others … Read more

Solutions To Ending Facebook Game Addictions

Okay, let’s admit it, we all from time to time get addicted to these stupid little games on Facebook.  Like I said in an earlier blog, I was addicted to Marvel Avenger Alliance. I was so addicted that I would even spend real money to help me advance in the game. I’ve heard of people … Read more

George Zimmerman Not Guilty & Acquitted. Dad′s A Freemason Judge Does That Matter?

No Way Free Masons Helped Acquit Zimmerman One day as I was browsing the internet I came across a site owned by C.KHiD. His website features hip hop news and other related articles. However, he had an article about George Zimmerman and Free and Accepted Masonry. In this article, he accused the Free and Accepted … Read more

Hide and Go Seek

Playing games with your siblings and cousins can seem like a fun experience when you’re a kid. The excitement level is high and you don’t have to feel awkward like you may feel in school. Now that you’re around family, everything should be perfect right? Not if you’re me. I remember when I was little … Read more

Sometimes It’s The Man’s Fault When Relationships End

Real Reasons Men Leave Women In a few women magazines and self help books, I’ve read that women should dress a certain way, talk a certain way, or cook and clean to keep their men happy. I think there’s some truth to that, however, like the Black and Married with Kids website mentioned, “This line … Read more

Men Need More Than Just Sex

I was reading an article on a site called Black and Married with Kids which discussed the failures of romance and gave advice for men.  There were four points, but the one I especially agree with was, “Even though we don’t readily admit it, men have emotional needs that no amount of sex can fill.” … Read more

What Would My Future Self Tell Me?

We always say to ourselves, that if we’d known what we knew now back in our youth, things would have been different. What if there was a way to do just that? What if your future self could somehow contact you and let you know about some dangers ahead in life or about your victories … Read more

New Exercise Routine–Building Cardio Without Running

Cardio workouts are known to help people strengthen their heart and lungs. It also helps the muscles to use oxygen more efficiently. Over time, your body gets used to your fitness level and your endurance has increased! With these types of benefits, I have been trying to workout more. For some reason, as soon as … Read more