I created this site to help those individuals going to federal prison camp survive their sentences and thrive when they return home. I also create articles about lessons I’ve learned about becoming a blogger, article writer, and author. Enjoy. Please contact me if I can help you more.
Rather you are an inmate or a loved one, federal prison camp is an emotional hell. I’ve written about my experience in a book as well as this website. Please click here to know more about Herlong Federal Prison Camp and my federal prison camp sentence.
Returning home from federal prison camp can be very stressful. I felt that my optimism quickly minimized as soon as I realized how people treat felons. Click here to see how I dealt with returning home from
Writing is something that helped me in prison and give me a new way to create income. Click here to read about what I’ve learned about writing.
Going to and returned from prison is stressful. Click here to see some techniques I use to cope with depression, anxiety, and procrastination.